Monday 17 January 2011

Mexico to the USA

Mexicans migrating to the USA is a big problem for the border patrol, Mexico and the USA. However there are also advantages.

Why migrate to the USA?
  Mexican unemployment is at about 40%.
  As well as this, jobs are poorly paid.
  There are poor medical facilities in Mexico.
·         Many jobs are available with a good pay (minimum wage) in the USA.
·         Glorious life of Americans – “American dream”

The vast amounts of illegal migrants from Mexico every year creates high costs for the US Border Patrol. Also, conflicts can be created between cultures in USA urban areas. However, the fact that migrants are often paid minimum wage helps the US economy.

The migrants also have an impact on Mexico. As the majority of migrants are mainly young men there is an aging population and a very young population left behind in Mexico. There are therefore less people to support these age groups. Emigrants can help the Mexican economy because they send back a lot of money back to their families.

Even though the large amount of Mexican migrants can sound bad, it can benefit themselves, their families, Mexico and the USA.

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